Kick Overwhelm Right in the Ass

A live 3-day workshop taking a deep-dive into why we stay stuck in old patterns, how to get unstuck, and rising above our challenges to start living the life we were meant to live.

We kicked off Friday, February 2 at 5:00 pm PST! Replays are available if you're joining after the start or can't make it live.

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This is going to be potent AND fun.

I can't wait to connect!

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    Angie Severson

    Emotional Freedom Coach


    ~ Mom to Tiny Humans, Critters, and Sourdough Starter ~

    ~ Lover of Coffee, Karaoke, and Oxford Commas ~

    ~ Amateur Guitar Player ~

    Who am I?

    Hey friends! Angie here. I'm excited to connect and grow together.

    I'm an Emotional Freedom Coach. I help women kick overwhelm right in the ass by teaching them how to work with and through emotions instead of letting their emotions run their life.

    After embarking on my own personal growth journey and experiencing amazing results in my life, I had to share this gift with women who want more – more fulfilling relationships, more time freedom, more financial freedom, more confidence, and more space for lightness and ease to be allowed in.

    What will you learn?

    • Why your brain's an asshole
      (hint: it's not about you)
    • The art of not making things a problem
    • Deep-dive training and tools you can implement to rise above your daily challenges
    • Somatic and mindfulness practices to help you ground and anchor yourself in calm certainty

    ​Day 2 starts in: